From The Workshop (Mar. 2021)
Next Club Meeting
Our next club meeting will be held on Tue, 02Mar2021, 6PM, at the field clubhouse. The agenda is as follows:
1800 - 1830 = dinner
1830 - 1900 = business meeting
1900 - whenever = “hangar flying”
Menu = sloppy joes » Bob; chips » Wade; potato salad » Nelson; dessert » JB.
Please come out and join us if you can for “food, fun, & fellowship”!
Covid Update
We are pretty much back to a normal schedule concerning weekly flying and monthly meetings. I am not aware of any members who have had Covid directly, although several people have commented that they had family members who had contracted it. Fortunately, all were relatively mild cases and seem to have recovered quickly. People at the flying field continue to make their own decisions concerning masks, social distancing, etc.
Good Flying Weather Coming!
Well, if you have been out to the field lately you’ve probably noticed the grass greening up! It appears we are on the verge of Spring popping out, so get those batteries charged up and get out to the field for a little quality leisure time. See you there!
Annual Club Work Day
Saturday 20Mar is the planned annual club work day, with 27Mar as the alternate date in case of rain. We plan to meet at the field at 9:00 AM and to be through by about noon at the latest. All members are welcome to participate if they have an interest, however, there is certainly no requirement to do so. The field is actually in fairly good shape and so no real big work items remain to be taken care of.
Important Reminders
If you are a new BSRCC member, please familiarize yourself with the following documents found on our website at
- “Club Bylaws”
- “Noise, Overflight, and Flying site map”
- “No Flying Over Pits and Parking Lot”
Please check the status of your FAA registration and renew it if needed.
Please check the status of your AMA membership and renew it if needed.
Please check the status of your BSRCC membership and renew it if needed (i.e., 2021 membership dues may be mailed to Nelson Swords, 228 Ellison Lake Road, Williamston, SC 29697, Tel=864-940-5817, Email=
Broken Prop Blades, Trash, Etc - in the interest of both safety and neatness, please help pick up broken prop blades and other debris when you see it at the field.
Tree Climber - this person is generally available to climb trees for you to retrieve downed airplanes (i.e., Mr. Murray Holloway, tel= 864-671-9781). His fee is “negotiable”.
That’s all I have for now. See you @ the flying field!