June Newsletter
Meeting minutes from June 7, 2016.
Meeting called to order at 6:55 PM.
We welcomed new member Michael Wei-fung Chang.
Minutes and Treasurer’s report both accepted as read.
The electric fly-in on May 28 was a success. Funds raised at the fly-in had a very positive impact on the club’s finances.
A committee for planning fly-ins was formed. The committee consists of Nelson Swords, Dennis Beard, Tony Denton, and Daniel Jones.
A club fly-in is planned for June 25, 2016. This fly-in is open to any aircraft type. There will be no landing fee and lunch will be provided at no charge. Donations are appreciated. This event is for club members and their immediate family. Come spend the day with your fellow club members!
An electric fly-in is planned for September 24, 2016. At this time it is unknown if this will be an AMA sanctioned fly-in.
There will be no club meeting in July. The next meeting will be August 2.