May Newsletter
Meeting minutes from May 3, 2016.
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as read.
Treasurer’s report was accepted as read.
Morgan reported no issues with the field.
Harry Capps will donate 2 airplane stands for the club to raffle at the fly-in.
Charlie Davenport is donating an electric plane for the raffle.
Dennis suggested forming a committee to organize future fly-ins. This idea was voted on and approved. We will be asking for committee volunteers at the June meeting.
A motion was passed giving WCRC club members honorary membership in BSRCC for the remainder of the calendar year. JB will send an email to the WCRC club officers.
Nelson, Dennis, and Dick performed an audit of the club’s financial records.
Don’t forget, our electric fly-in is only a few weeks away on May 28. Hope to see you all there.